Setting up your profile and account preferences in myCourses


Target audience: Students

You can customize your profile and account preferences in myCourses.

Instructors: Please refer to Set Profile and Account Preferences in myCourses in the Teaching and Learning Knowledge Base.

In this article:

Your profile

Setting up your Profile allows you to upload an image that will appear beside your name in Discussions. You can also enter information such as your Hometown, website, and social networking site addresses that will appear in your profile.

Other students can view your profile by hovering their mouse over your photo and clicking your name in Discussions.

How to customize your photo and other settings

  1. Click your name on the top toolbar and select Profile.


  2. Click Change Picture.
  3. Drag and drop a photo from your computer onto the Upload box.
  4. Click Done.
  5. (Optional) Enter your Hometown, home page address, and Social Networks (the URLs of your profile pages on social media).
  6. Click Save and Close.

    edit profile

Account preferences

The Account Settings page presents a set of three tabs where you can apply your own settings to your myCourses learning environment:

To access it, click your name on the top toolbar and select Account Settings.

Account Settings

Discussion Settings

You can change the following default settings for the Discussions tool:

Note: Each course also has separate discussion settings within the Discussions tool. See Changing discussion settings in myCourses for details on these settings.

Email Settings:

You can enter a personalized Email Signature that will be added to the bottom of all your outgoing messages. You can also put a check on the default e-mail setting:
